Reading Comprehension Worksheet: Multiple choice,Fill in the blanks Quiz Ex1

This is an interactive Reading Comprehension Worksheet. There are different slides with different questions.Once you select your answer, you will see an arrow on your right hand side. You will click on it to go to the next screen with a new question. You will find out if your answer is correct immediately after you select your response. You will see a “show solution” button to check your answer and find the correct answer.

Let’s start the quiz.

Read the passage and answer the quiz that follows:

In the ancient and mysterious era of cave dwellers, life was a constant struggle for survival. These hardy and resourceful individuals lived in close-knit communities, seeking shelter within the confines of rocky caverns. Their days were filled with relentless pursuits of food, as hunting and gathering were their primary means of sustenance. Armed with rudimentary stone tools and keen instincts, cave men braved the untamed wilderness, chasing after elusive prey and gathering wild fruits and plants. In the flickering light of campfires, they shared stories and knowledge passed down through generations, forming the bedrock of their culture. Artistry adorned the cave walls, as they painted vivid depictions of their surroundings and spiritual beliefs, leaving behind an enduring legacy of cave paintings. While their lives were fraught with danger, these primitive ancestors found solace in the bonds of kinship and the unyielding resilience that defined the heart of their existence.

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