5 Match the words with their Meanings Exercises| Words with a Prefix

“Match the words with their meanings” exercises are design to enhance your vocabulary of words with prefixes.

What are Prefixes?

Prefixes are linguistic elements that are added to the beginning of a base word to modify its meaning.In English, prefixes can significantly alter the meaning of a word. For example, consider the word “unhappy.” The prefix “un-” added to the base word “happy” changes the meaning to the opposite, indicating that someone is not experiencing happiness. Similarly, the prefix “pre-” in the word “preview” indicates that something is happening before the main event, providing a sense of anticipation.
Prefixes are an essential part of word formation, and understanding their meanings and usage can greatly improve one’s vocabulary and comprehension of the language.

1.Match the Words starting with”Tele”

2.Match the Words starting with”Micro”

3.Match the Words starting with”Anti”

4.Match the Words starting with”Multi”

5.Match the Words starting with”Sub”

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