Interactive Active to Passive Voice: Present Continuous Tense

Active Voice (Present Continuous Tense)
In active voice, the present continuous tense describes an action that is happening at the current moment or is in progress around the present time. It emphasizes the doer of the action and the ongoing nature of the action.

Example: “She is singing a song right now.”
In this sentence, “She” is the subject performing the action “is singing,” highlighting that she is actively engaged in singing at the present moment.

Passive Voice (Present Continuous Tense)
In passive voice, the present continuous tense describes an action that is happening at the current moment or is in progress around the present time, but it shifts the focus to the receiver of the action rather than the doer.

Example: “A song is being sung by her right now.”
In this passive voice sentence, “A song” is the subject receiving the action “is being sung,” and “by her” indicates the doer of the action. The emphasis is on the ongoing action (the song being sung) rather than the doer, with reference to the present moment.

Here is an exercise where you need to change the active to passive voice. You will get the feedback immediately as you submit your exercise.

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