We all talk about current trends in fashion, politics, news, technology etc in our daily life. Sometimes these questions can be asked in job interviews and English proficiency tests like IELTS or Duolingo. Let’s take a look at some example questions about trends with their answers.
Q1.What is a trend? What kind of different trends do we talk about everyday? And how are we affected by the changing trends?
Generally speaking, the word trend means development or change of something in a certain direction.The word trend is also synonymous with fashion.
We often find our selves talking about new or popular trends in shopping, trends in politics, trends in fashion etc. In fact, trend is a very common term we use consciously or unconsciously.
In the world of internet and social media, words like trendy or trending are very popular. If something is trending, it is a hot topic. It might be a video, a news or a fashion. Everyday, we talk about latest news, videos and games that are trending on google. We can even search top trends in a specific place about food, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, housing, technology, sports, business and cellphones etc.
We are certainly affected by the changing trends in different areas of life. For example, for the young people, latesttrends in cellphones, hairstyles or fashion affect them greatly. If they do not keep themselves updated according to the fashion or trends, they will be considered outdated. In some cases it is mandatory to know what is trending. For example, if you want to get a new house or car, then you should know what are the trends in prices.If the trending prices are low, it could be a good chance for you to buy it.
In conclusion, the word trend is an interesting term and the latest trends affect us in many areas of our lives.

Q2 .What are the latest trends in housing in your country? Discuss how it has affected the residents of your country?
The trends in housing keep changing. Usually,when we talk about the trends in housing, we are talking about the rise and fall in prices, the kind of accommodation available, housing affordability etc.
Generally speaking, there are detached houses, semi detached houses, town houses and condos as popular residential buildings in Canada. Choosing a certain kind of housing depends on the affordability of individual buyers.
Talking about the recent trend in housing, one can only see rising prices and more people finding it hard to pay their mortgages and rents. Housing has been a popular issue in Canada. Not because of the shortage or land or deficienthousing, but because the rents of even modest accommodations have gone up. If we talk about owning a house, only few people can think about buying a new house.With that said, the condominiums and apartment were considered cheap; now even these are getting out of hands.
The reasons for these unwelcoming trends in housing are generally attributed to the general inflation across the world. The gravest part of this issue is that even for well to do Canadians, owning a house is becoming a privilege since the mortgage rates have gone up too. Talking of the common man or low income groups, owning a house is a dream and renting one is a huge setback on their finances.
To conclude,I would say that housing problems are definitely a challenging issue for the government and the people of our country.