Why people Visit Museums | IELTS Speaking Topics

The topic of museums is a popular topic in IELTS Speaking test. The questions about museums include general and simple prompts like, ” Do you like going to the museums?”, or ” When did you last go to a museum?” to the more technical questions like, ” why do people visit museums?”,What are the benefits of visiting a museum” or ” Are museums more educational now?

Your answers to the questions should be to the point and concise.

In IELTS speaking part 2, the examiner asks you simple questions and some more specific questions about the same topic. In this post I will share sample questions and answers related to the Museums. Let’s read them.

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IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers about Museums

Do you like going to the museums?

I love visiting the museums since I believe that they cater to my sense of curiosity about ancient culture and civilization. They also have great historical and aesthetic value. I feel like I have spent a quality time when I visit a museum.

What was the last time you visited a museum? What was your experience?

I visited a local museum only recently. It was the Thompson Park museum. In fact, it was a preserved house from 1830s. The house had artifacts that were two hundred years old. I was amazed to see the oven that used coal, and gramophone and wooden furniture that was still preserved. Also, there was a garage with lot of stuff related to horses and carriages, just as large wheels, horse shoes and antique fodder cutter. It was a great experience.

How often do you visit a museum?

I don’t visit museums very often since I have already explored all museums that were in or around my city but I always plan to visit the museum of other places I go to.

Did you visit a museum as a child?

I do remember visiting the history museum as a child. I was as young as 6 years when I visited the museum with my parents and my aunt’s family. It was a memorable trip.Since I was very young, it was fun to see so many items that belonged to ancient history but I was not aware of the aesthetic or cultural value of things. In later years, when I grew up, I visited the museum again and this time it was not just fun, it was a great learning experience.

Do you think museums are useful for visitors of your home town?

In my opinion, the museums, whether they are history museums, military museums, science or arts museums are not just entertainment but also a great learning experience. They are useful since people spend quality time at the museum. For instance, they can peep into the lives of ancient people and how they lived. They get to know the culture and history of a certain place or country. 

From the financial perspective, the museums and art galleries create jobs in the local market. Because of the tourists, museums bring high chances of economic growth.

What did you learn from visiting museums?

I believe I have learned a lot from my visits to museums and art galleries. Since there is no shortage of the types of museums; I have been to science museums, arts museum, history museum and even a butterfly museum. First of all, I feel I am spending quality time when I am at a place where there is a lot of learning opportunity. Secondly, I can get knowledge and information about the art, history, culture and people of a certain time. 

To give you one example, I visited my local museum and I found out how the culture and economy of my country evolved. I saw the earliest currency notes and coins of my country and the actual clothing that people wore at least a century ago. No wonder, the museum preserved armours of soldiers and even the letters written to their families during the times of war. I totally believe that visiting museums is worth more than reading a hundred books on the art, culture and history.

What do you prefer to visit, museums or art galleries?

I would say that each one has its own feel. Museums usually have a section of art as well. But art galleries are more specific in their representation of art and artistic achievements. As for my preference of visiting museums or art galleries, I would say I like to visit both whenever I get a chance or visit a new place. There is a lot to learn about the culture and history of different civilizations and there is a lot to see in art galleries. 

Art galleries are great storehouse of art, showcasing artistic imagination and talents. Additionally, it is fascinating and humbling to see how the imagination of an artist is spread out on the canvas. Beyond doubt, art galleries are a testimony of human creativity since the creativity seen in the pieces or art is beyond average human imagination. In my experience, visiting museums and art galleries is an equally great choice.

Why do people visit museums?

In my opinion people visit museums because museums offer them entertainment and knowledge at the same time. There is no idle moment when you are in a museum looking at great artifacts, souvenirs and historical objects. Every moment they are learning something new.

For example, they go to the political history section of a museum and they can find the pictures of everyone who ruled over that country, they can find things that were used by the famous leaders. They can witness arms, ammunition, armour of the bygone times and get to see the books, coins, clothes and much more from the olden times. In fact, they can see how the human civilization has evolved over the years. In short, visiting museums caters to their sense of curiosity about human history. That is why they like to visit museums.

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