IELTS Speaking on Tourism | IELTS Speaking Popular Topics Part 2

Tourism is a very popular topic in IELTS Speaking test. Since in IELTS test, many times the same questions repeat for new test takers, it is wise to find some questions and practice speaking on them. You can find general information about Tourism and write main points of information about questions like;

  • Why is tourism important to a country’s economy?
  • How tourism industry can be improved? 
  • What is the government of your country doing to enhance the prospects of tourism?
  • What are some hazards related to tourism?

The examiner starts his questions by simple question like

☞Do you like to visit other places or cities? or, Do you like camping? or Tell me about the last trip you took to another city? etc

In the third part of the conversation, he usually asks questions about tourism or vacationing in general.

You can find part 1 of Speaking on Travel and Tourism by following this link:

IELTS Speaking about Tourism | Popular IELTS Topics with Answers Part 1
travel vocabulary,vacatio vocabulary, tourism vocabulary,speaking on travel and tourism

Here are some more questions that are often asked in the IELTS Speaking test. Take a look at the sample answers.

IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers about Tourism

Q.What do you like about camping?

Camping, in my opinion, is the most satisfying of all other kinds of entertainment. Not just is it an outdoor activity, it gives me a sense of adventure. Everything from planning the location for camping to sleeping in the tent is absolute fun near me. It also gives me a break from technology and experience life in its simplest form. Not just that, I also like camping because I get a chance to explore nature, take pictures, do some hiking, and enjoy the sense of freedom.

Q.What are the tourist attractions in your country?

There are a whole lot of attractions in Canada and I believe that each province has its own popular place for tourists. I have visited the CN Tour in downtown Toronto. It has a revolving restaurant and its lights change colours at night time.

Other attractions are Niagara Falls, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto Island, Casa Loma palace. In other provinces, we have Banff National Park in Alberta, Stanley Park in Vancouver, Okanagan Valley in British Columbia to name only a few.

In most parts of Canada You can find lush green forests, breathtaking sceneries, enchanting views of mountains and greenery. There is a lot of French history to witness in cities like Quebec and Old Montreal. Additionally, there are abundant opportunities for hiking, canoeing, camping and sailing and interacting with nature in most of the national and provincial parks in Canada.

Q.How do you think tourism adds value to a country’s economy?

Tourism can improve a country’s economy in various ways. As more tourists visit a place, the more service industry grows, the more jobs are created which improves the financial situation of the locals. 

Also, tourism increases the demand to purchase a country’s products, services and local currency. In addition, money earned through tourism can be spent on the infrastructure of a country like building roads and preserving the local heritage. It also stimulates trade opportunities, especially for small businesses. The more tourists visit our country, the more foreign exchange earnings we get.

Q.Are there any problems related to tourism in your country?

I would say, the problems relating to tourism can vary from place to place. If you live in a developed country like Canada, the tourism industry here is quite well developed. Everything is designed to cater to the needs of tourists. But there still can be some issues.

Firstly, some places can only be visited during a set period of time, usually summer, and after that, the people connected to the tourists’ services are out of work. That means they only have seasonal earnings. Secondly, the safety and security of foreign tourists can be a matter of concern.

Also, because of the influx of tourists, littering can be an issue. Last, of all challenges, I think, is the maintenance of social, cultural, natural resources of a tourist resort and making it sustainable for long.

Q.Is the government taking any measures to enhance the prospects of tourism in your country?

Like all other industries, the tourism industry is one potential industry to bring in great revenues for the government. That is why the government is investing more money to preserve the local heritage monuments in far off areas of the country. It aims at ameliorating accessibility and services at these locations. Also, it is lending loans to small businesses so that they can flourish and attract tourist customers.

Read the first part of this post here: 

IELTS Speaking about Tourism | Popular IELTS Topics with Answers Part 1

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