Talking about Friendship and Friends,IELTS Speaking Topics

In this post we will discuss how to talk about friends or friendship in English. We will also discuss some popular questions with their answers. Talking about friends or friendship is a frequently asked question in the IELTS.You can get different questions under the main topic of Friends or Friendship.Here are some popular questions:

  • Why do some friendships last longer than others?
  • Do you think one should have friends from other cultures or not? Give your opinion.
  • What does friendship mean to you? What is your idea of a best friend?
  • Talk about a childhood friend you are still in touch with?
  • Describe a close friend?

How To Talk About Friends Or Friendship

Friends or friendship is a topic you can relate to or talk about from your own experience.

In general when you talk about your friends, you will talk about the following things.

  • Your friend’s name
  • How long have you been friends for?
  • Is he your friend from the school/childhood?
  • What are his/ her hobbies or interests (For example; outing, internet, books, sports, movies etc.)
  • Do you share each others’ interests?
  • Describe how you spend time together? 
  • What qualities make him/her your best friend?(use adjectives to describe the qualities)

Use of Adjectives to Describe a friend

The use of adjectives is very important in describing a person. Here is a short list of adjectives you can use to describe your friend.

adjectives to describe a friend, describe a friend, how to describe a friend

Questions and Answers about Friends 

Q1. Do you think one should have friends from other cultures or not? Give your opinion.

[Tips for Answer: In this question you need to discuss the pros and cons of having friends from other cultures. You can state your point of view in the first sentence like in the example below and then continue with some arguments. In the concluding sentences you can sum up your opinion like in the example answer below.]

Lets see how we have answered this question:

In my point of view, one can make friends from any culture or linguistic background, if one has similar interests with them. Sometimes, it is even inevitable since many people live in a multicultural society or country where people from different backgrounds live or work together. In that case, people usually make friends with their neighbours, coworkers and classmates etc. Having friends from another culture is also an opportunity to learn about various cultures and traditions. 

Nevertheless, there are limitations to the friendships that happen across cultures. There ought to be differences in the cultural, moral, religious or social values of friends that can limit the growth of friendship at some point. For example, a person having a different faith system than his friend is less likely to be attending his religious ceremonies or other get-togethers or participate in them. Still, if one is tolerant and accepting of those differences, having friends from other cultures is not an issue.

Q2. What does friendship mean to you? Describe your idea of a best friend?

[Tips for Answer: You can express what you think friendship is like or how is it different from other relationships. You can share simple well known facts about friends being honest and reliable. You can discuss, using some adjectives, how a best friend should be like.]

Let’s read the example answer:

Different people have different ideas about friendship. To me, friendship is a lifelong bond which is based on care, sincerity and sharing. Real friends have a loving bond between them that connects them. Precisely, friendship is a relationship in which you can share your thoughts and fears with a person who understands you and stands by your side. In addition, friendship is also something which is lasting and stands the test of time.

Coming to the second part of the question, the best friends would be who accepts me for who I am. But I don’t expect him to support me in everything I do even if I am mistaken. I think a true friend would try to correct me if I am wrong. Besides, a best friend should be trustworthy and dependable. I should feel safe around him in sharing my problems, thoughts and concepts about things.One more thing is that even if you are away for long periods of time without seeing each other, you would be able to pick things up as though you’ve never been apart.

If a friend has these qualities or attributes, he can certainly prove to be your best friend.

The above mentioned answers are sample answers to questions about friends or friendship. You should try writing your own answers to these questions for practice. Find more sample questions and answers on various topics on this website.

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