Speaking about Movies & Entertainment in IELTS Part 1

In this post we will learn how to speak about movies and entertainment in the IELTS or other English Proficiency Tests. You will find:

  • Vocabulary related to movies and entertainment.
  • Questions about movies or entrainment
  • Tips on answering the questions
  • Sample Answers to Questions

Movies and entertainment is a very common topic in IELTS tests. The popular questions about movies and entertainment are as follows:

  • What kind of movies do you like? What is your favourite movie? Why is it your favourite movie?
  • How often do you watch movies? Do you often visit a cinema to watch movies?
  • What is your favourite tv channel? How often do you watch it?
  • Do you think action or horror movie are bad for children or adults? Explain 
  • Do you think private Youtube channels have outplayed the local and traditional television or it is still valuable for some people?
englishmost vocabulary, movies vocabulary, talking about movies,speaking about movies and entertainment

Let’s look at the above questions once again with their sample answers.

Speaking about Movies & Entertainment , Questions & Answers

Q 1.What kind of movies do you like? What is your favourite movie? Why is it your favourite movie?

Answer Tips: You can name any genre of movies, for example, action and adventure, romantic, comedy, documentary, foreign or family movies etc. If you do not like a specific category, you can still make up your answer by saying that you have no ultimate favourites in movies. In the next part of the question, you can name your favourite movie and tell a little bit about the story. Also mention why you like this movie.]

Let’s now read the sample answer. Notice the use of vocabulary related to movies:


“I like all different categories of movies. There is no ultimate favourite category if I think of but I think I watch comedy and adventure movies more often than others. Comedy movies are hilarious and thus make you feel refreshed and light hearted.Adventure movies keep your interest alive till the end of the story by catering to your sense of curiosity. Besides these, I also watch other genres like documentaries, science fiction, horror movies once in a while.

To answer the second part of the question, “The Karate kid” is one of my favourite movies. It has different versions but I watched the one released in 2012. It has an exciting and heart warming story in which Daniel, a seventeen years old boy moves to Los Angeles with his mother and comes across challenges at the new place. 

The main challenge for Daniel are the kids at his school who bully and beat him regularly. He tries to fight back without success. Finally he finds out that the old man living in his building is a karate master. Miyagi is the person who is that old man. He does not only teach Daniel Karate but also the philosophy behind martial arts which is strengthening of the mind, body and spirit. 

As the story develops, we find out that Miyagi is making Daniel do other chores like painting fences and cleaning the cars. To which Daniel complains but Miyagi is making him used to listen to what he says before making him his student. The training scenes in the movie are the most interesting part of the movie. Daniel learns martial arts and its ethics. Although he is injured right before the final karate fight but he uses a pain suppression technique and is able to beat his opponent. 

I like this movie because of a couple of reasons. Firstly I like the cast. Jackie Chan is one of my favourite actors. He justified the role of Miyagi very well. Secondly, “The Karate kid” is not an ordinary movie, it teaches the philosophy of martial arts. It emphasizes on the essence of self-control, respect for others, and positive perspective to achieve the best in life. Thirdly, the movie has incredible action scenes and interesting and real training scenes.So these are the main reasons why I like this movie.”

Q2. How often do you watch movies? Do you often visit a cinema to watch movies? How do you like watching a movie on a big screen?

[Answer Tips: This is a simple question. You can answer it from your own experience or you can make up and answer and say ” I watch a lot of movies”, I watch movies every weekend”, or I go to the cinema with my family or frinends every few days” etc. Here the sample answer is a little opposite of all this. You can get more ideas from the answer.]


“I don’t watch movies very often.Actually I can’t spare a lot of time watching movies. As a student, my main priority is my studies. That is why, I seldom find time to watch movies. I do have interest in movies and entertainment so If I had to watch a movie I would select something that is an hour long or even less. That way I can’t lose much time. I usually take out some time for watching movies and shows on the weekend.

About going to the cinema, I would say that I do go to the cinema once in a while with my friends or family members. Usually it is a weekend or a special occasion when we feel like celebrating so we go to the cinema. In fact, watching a movie on a big screen is a great experience. It is also very different from watching a movie on the television. 

The part I don’t like is the sound system. The sound is always too loud in the cinema hall. Otherwise, the film and its characters are very lifelike. The 3D pictures are very overwhelming and you feel like you are in the same environment as those characters. Sometimes you are so absorbed in the movie that you don’t realize you are only sitting in a cinema and watching the whole thing from far. That is why I would agree that watching a movie in a cinema is a totally fascinating experience.

You just learned how to talk about movies and entertainment in the two sample questions and answers. The rest of the Questions and Answers will be provided in Part 2 of this post.

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