Using Varied Sentence Structures in English: Examples and Explanations

Why use varied sentence structures

  • Makes your writing more engaging to the reader without being repetitive or monotonous
  • Makes your writing and speaking sound more natural.
  • Shows if you are a confident, mature and polished writer or speaker
  • Helps with clear expression of ideas and information
  • Creates connection and flow between sentences (without connectors your paragraph will look like a group of stand alone sentences)
  • Provides an organized and logical sequence of ideas
  • Gets you good scores

(Using sentence structures/styles)

  • Give your answer a beginning, middle and end.
  • Don’t use the same word over and over again. That shows your lack of vocabulary.It is always better to avoid repetition of the same word or phrase.For example; If you use the word ” physical health”,in a sentence; in the other sentences you can change it to “physical well-being”.
  • Use transition words like; In fact, besides, briefly speaking, on the top of that, Mainly, Additionally, Moreover etc.
  • Make sure you use comma(,), semicolon(;) wherever required in a compound or complex sentence. Otherwise it won’t make sense. For example:
  • Even though I was tired, I slept only when I finished my work.

Sentence styles (Examples)

Use different types of sentences like, simple, compound, complex or complex compound in your writing or speaking etc.For example:
I have plans to visit my friends this summer.(simple sentence)
Although we meet every few weeks, this time it has been a little more than two months.(complex sentence).
I plan to book a hut at a picnic spot, and my friends will join me there.(compound sentence)
To carry out this plan, I will book a hut at a picnic spot, and my friends will join me there.(complex compound)

How to use sentence starters

We need some accurate wording to start an argument, description or explanation; For example: Firstly, First of all, To start with, In the first place,Basically, To begin with etc.

It is not wise to eat a lot of sugary stuff. First of all, it can damage your teeth. Secondly, it can increase sugar levels in the blood.
I went camping with my friends last summer. To start with, we selected a resort called Thousand Islands.Then, we watched some informational videos on how to stay safe at a camping site. Afterwards, we started packing our luggage and preparing for our adventure.

Use of connectors/transition words

Connectors are used for making more points in a discussion, adding details, giving reasons, arguing on something, explaining a point, or comparing or contrasting things etc.
Connectors to give detail: Additionally, Moreover, In addition, on the top of that, secondly, thirdly, more importantly, similarly, likewise, furthermore, on the other hand, then , Also, comparatively, instead, etc.

Mark had a good knowledge of the English language. In addition, he knew French.
The food prices have gone up lately. Similarly, fuel prices have also increased.
Apple iPhones have a great interface. More importantly, they are user friendly.(Interestingly, they are available in a variety of colours )
Connectors to give examples:For example, such as, for instance, one example can be… etc.
Example: Incorporating fruit in our daily diet is important. For instance, eating an apple provides us enough iron for the day.

Concluding a discussion

Concluding your paragraph: Lastly, To conclude, in conclusion, finally, as a result, in a word, briefly1, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to summarize, to sum up, in summary, overall, to wrap it up etc.

To summarize, it is highly important to take daily exercise for your physical and mental well being.
To wrap it up, I would say that students must learn the value of saving and investing money from their teenage. It will help them with their finances later in life.

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