What are parts of Speech?
The words in the English Language are given different names depending on the function they perform in a sentence.
Words denoting names of things, people, places or abstract ideas are called nouns.
The words showing action or state of being are called verbs and so on.
•Examples of Nouns
•Mary, Dan, Sara(Names of People)
•Chair, book, lock, cigar, mirror(Names of Things)
•Florida, Japan, market, playground, stage, auditorium(Names of places)
charity, love, disgust, fraud, loan, Hope, Hatred(Names of Emotions and concepts)
Look at this paragraph. This is full of nouns. In the next paragraph, most nouns are replaced with pronouns.
•Sara went to the market. The market was full of shoppers. Sara was surprised to see so many people. Sara knew it was Sunday and the market will close soon. While Sara was quickly trying to finish Sara’s Shopping, someone told Sara that the market will be open till late night that day.
Nouns replaced with Pronouns
•Sara went to the market. It was full of shoppers. She was surprised to see so many people. She knew it was Sunday and the market will close soon. While she was quickly trying to finish her shopping, someone told her that the market will be open till late night that day.

•Examples of a verb in a Sentence
•Dan works hard all-day
•Sara makes good food.
•Anna found an old necklace in her cupboard.
•This shopkeeper sells cheap stuff.
•I can run faster than you.
•She planned a picnic with her family.
•Ian was thinking deeply.
•I am happy. (Used to express a feeling of being)
An adjective describes a noun or pronoun. It gives more information about them.
Just as an empty glass
Here the word empty describes the noun glass.
The glass can be
A full glass, a beautiful glass, a metal glass, a carved glass, an ugly glass, a broken glass etc.
Use of Adjectives in a Sentence
•The weather is cold.
•You are a lucky boy.
•This house has a very old history.
•I got a nice pair of socks from the new market.
•Have you got bad/ sore throat?
•The shopping mall is noisy and crowded.
•Adverbs describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
•They tell us for example how, when, where or how often an action was done.
•There are five basic types of adverbs in the English language, namely adverbs of Manner(how), Time(when), Place(where), Frequency(how often), and Degree(to what extent)
•Examples of Adverbs in a Sentence
•He eats quietly.
•He eats quickly.
•He eats carefully.
•I am very happy today. (adverb very describes the adjective happy)
•You are always late for school. (the adverb always describes the adjective late)
Examples of a preposition in a sentence
•The cat is sitting on the wall. •My wallet was in my pocket a while ago. •The dog tried to jump over the wooden fence. •My Exams will be held in the month of May. •Anna’s sister will be travelling with her to New York.
•A conjunction joins or connects, words, phrases, clauses and sentences. It shows the connection and logical relation between them.While, although, whereas, but, still, and, though etc.
Some simple examples of Conjunctions are:
Sara and Anna are friends.
I was tired but I tried to finish my work.
I cooked food while my sister cleaned the house.
•Interjections are short exclamations and are used more in spoken English than in Written English. •It is used to express sudden emotions of anger, admiration, pain, joy etc.
Some examples are
Hurrah! We have won the game.
Ouch! This cut is so painful.
Wow! This is such a beautiful painting.
The interjections always come with exclamations marks at the end.