Duolingo select the real English words exercises are a part of the Duolingo English Test. They may appear 4-6 times in the test.
Here are some changes made to the Read and Select Exercises in 2024…
You will get a word and answer in yes or no by clicking on your answer. Each word will be displayed for 5 seconds. Here is an image which shows the latest version of “Duolingo read and select ” question.There could be any number of real words in one exercise.

What are Duolingo real English words?
A word that has meaning in the English language is a real English word. The words given in the Duolingo real English words test are a collection of real words, words with wrong spelling and words which do not make any sense or meaning.
How to identify the real English words?
The first thing about recognizing real English words is that you cannot guess real words. It is like either you know it is a real word or you don’t know. This is because reading English text, books or stories makes you familiar with the English vocabulary. Also ,if you have the habit of learning new vocabulary, you can identify real words on first sight. Here are some key points and tips to follow while answering Duolingo real English words question:
- For aural prompts, listen to the prompts more than one time or until you are sure what word that is.
- Use all your time answering this question. There is no extra credit to complete any question before the allowed time.
- In written prompts, make sure the spelling of the words are correct. Sometimes a word is missing a letter or has an extra letter which confuses the students.
- Choose only the words you are sure are the real English words.
- Spending some time daily in listening to the English accent through news or podcasts etc is helpful in identifying real English words by listening.
- In the same way reading English news, stories and books will enhance your knowledge of English vocabulary, and help you identify real words in written format.
Here are some choose the real English words exercises. Find links to answers after finishing each exercise.
10 Read and Select Practice Exercises with Answers
Exercise 1: Select the real English word from the list below:
caution | faniey | catching | sentiment |
mine | serious | attribute | correspondence |
exactly | fasting | mango | intire |
mega | Insist | clear | fake |
Exercise # 1 Answers
Exercise 2: Select the real English word from the list below:
caring | storey | accuse | school |
actual | favoritte | mock | take |
any | misery | sorl | catchhy |
naughty | poor | sense | allowd |
Exercise# 2 Answers
Exercise 3: Select the real English word from the list below:
famous | cobra | pilow | pilot |
please | cigar | park | giraffe |
creet | minimize | apron | covard |
namely | shadow | skinny | intenna |
Exercise# 3 Answers
Exercise 4: Select the real English word from the list below:
nearly | ambiguitty | annually | central |
creed | sugary | casual | minital |
mouse | furi | tax | clanibal |
nasty | correct | sanddy | dodge |
Exercise# 4 Answers
Exercise 5: Select the real English word from the list below:
crux | manual | tintruum | tidy |
bonus | mice | gurglle | towads |
intresting | arry | tenth | cloudy |
favoritism | middle | empty | did |
Exercise# 5 Answers
Exercise 6: Select the real English word from the list below:
active | cenrally | diver | jealous |
passerby | menace | socail | fin |
glutton | juddgement | medical | struter |
tribe | infinity | sat | brentt |
Exercise# 6 Answers
Exercise 7: Select the real English word from the list below:
edit | fantor | bilding | mint |
enter | gourmet | deity | bless |
nostalgic | nonmally | god | rideer |
nineth | mine | fact | dentist |
Exercise# 7 Answers
Exercise 8: Select the real English word from the list below:
tan | sureity | din | stripes |
collage | fan | famine | scend |
intim | outset | antipoll | advise |
wow | binnin | evening | fallen |
Exercise# 8 Answers
Exercise 9: Select the real English word from the list below:
large | eord | dansur | ringtone |
shortenning | wordy | fatty | rengu |
fuse | sleek | secodary | sort |
kik | biker | eventual | building |
Exercise# 9 Answers
Exercise 10: Select the real English word from the list below:
footing | doable | sentral | indian |
male | shamin | sordid | noah |
caise | auto | entry | fredien |
attend | neat | dertet | fight |
Exercise# 10 Answers
Real English words Ex:1 Answers
caution, mine, exactly, mega, serious, fasting, insist, catching, attribute, mango, clear, sentiment, correspondence, fake
Wrong words: faniey, intire,
Real English words Ex:2 Answers
caring, actual, any, naughty, storey, misery, poor, accuse, mock, sense, school, take
Wrong words: favoritte, sorl,catchhy,allowd.
Real English words Ex:3 Answers
Famous, please, namely, cobra, cigar, minimize, shadow, park, apron, skinny ,pilot, giraffe
Wrong words:creet, pilow, covard,intenna
Real English words Ex:4 Answers
nearly, creed, mouse, nasty, sugary, correct, annually, casual, tax, central, dodge
Wrong words: ambiguitty, furi,sanddy,minital,clanibal,
Real English words Ex:5 Answers
crux, bonus, favoritism, manual, mice, middle, tenth, empty, tidy, cloudy, did
Wrong words: intresting,arry,tintruum,gurglle,towads,
Real English words Ex 6 Answer
Active, passerby, glutton, tribe, menace,infinity, diver, medical, sat, jealous, fin
Wrong words:cenrally, juddgement,socail,struter,brentt
Real English words Ex 7 Answer
edit, enter, nostalgic, gourmet, nine, deity, god, fact, mint, bless,dentist
Wrong words: nineth,fanton,nonmally,
Real English words Ex:8 Answers
tan, collage, wow, fan, outset, din, famine, evening, stripes, advice, fallen
Wrong words:surety,intim,binnin,antipoll,scend
Real English words Ex:9 Answers
large, fuse, wordy, sleek, biker, fatty, eventual, ringtone, sort, building
Wrong words: shortenning,kik,eord,dansur,secodary,rengu
Real English words Ex:10 Answers
footing, male, attend, doable, auto, neat, sordid, entry, Indian, Noah, fight,
wrong words: caise, shamin, sentral, dertet, fredien