Duolingo Read and Complete Practice | Type the Missing Letters Exercises

Duolingo Read and complete or Type the missing Letters exercises appear 4-6 times in the Duolingo English Test. Each time you get 3 minutes to complete the exercise. Here are some sample exercises for practising “type the missing letters” for Duolingo English Test. It is advisable to get online practice of Duolingo English Test Exercises from the official Duolingo English Test Website.

Duolingo Type the missing Letters Sample Practice Exercises

Ex 1:

Coins have been used as a form of currency for thousands of years, dating back to anc—- civilizations like the Greeks, Romans, and Chin—. They were initially made from valu—- metals such as gold, silver, and bronze and were used as a medium of exchange for go— and services. Over time, the composition and design of coins evol— and became more sophisticated, refl—— the cultural and political changes of the societies that used them. Today, coins are widely used around the world and serve as an important symbol of a country’s economy and identity.

Ex 2:

The 1997 film “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron and became one of the highest-grossing films of all time. The making of the movie was a mass— undertaking, with a budget of over 200 million dollars and a cast and crew of thous—- of people. The film was shot on location in various p—- of the world, including Mexico, Canada, and the United K—dom, and was also filmed on a massive soundstage in Los Angeles. Special effects, including the sin—- of the Titanic, were created us— cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art computer-generated imagery. The film was a critical and commercial success and won 11 Oscars, including Best Picture.

Ex 3

Betty: Hey, have you seen the latest fashion trends for this season?

Sarah: Yeah, I just saw a feature in Vogue about it. They’re all ab— bold patterns, bright colors, and statement accessories.

Betty: I love that! I’ve been look— for an excuse to wear my neon green skirt again.

Sarah: And don’t for— about the chunky sneakers. They’re the must-have shoe for the season.

Betty: I already bought a p— in metallic silver. They’re so comfortable and g- with everything.

Sarah: I’m thin—- about getting a pair too. But I’m also eyeing those oversized totes. They’re the perfect size for carrying everything I need on-the-go.

Ex 4:

Money is typically made by central banks and governments, who are responsible for printing and minting currency. The process starts with the pro——- of the blank forms, which are then printed with the appro—— design and denomination. The printed forms are then cut into individual no— and checked for quality control before be— distributed to banks and financial institutions. Coins are typically minted using a similar pro—-, with the metal blanks being stamped with the appropriate design and denomination.

Ex 5:

King George 7 was the King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions from 1910 until his death in 1936. He was born on June 3, 1865, and was the second s– of King Edward 7 and Queen Alexandra. George 7 is b— known for his role a- the constitutional monarch dur— World War I and for lead— the country through some of its m— difficult times. He was widely respected for h– stoicism and bravery, and his reign marked a period of stability and prosperity in Britain.

Duolingo Type the Missing Letters Answers Exs. 1-5

Answer Ex.1

Coins have been used as a form of currency for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations like the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese. They were initially made from valuable metals such as gold, silver, and bronze and were used as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Over time, the composition and design of coins evolved and became more sophisticated, reflecting the cultural and political changes of the societies that used them. Today, coins are widely used around the world and serve as an important symbol of a country’s economy and identity.

Answer Ex.2

The 1997 film “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron and became one of the highest-grossing films of all time. The making of the movie was a massive undertaking, with a budget of over 200 million dollars and a cast and crew of thousands of people. The film was shot on location in various parts of the world, including Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and was also filmed on a massive soundstage in Los Angeles. Special effects, including the sinking of the Titanic, were created using cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art computer-generated imagery. The film was a critical and commercial success and won 11 Oscars, including Best Picture.

Answer Ex.3

Betty: Hey, have you seen the latest fashion trends for this season?

Sarah: Yeah, I just saw a feature in Vogue about it. They’re all about bold patterns, bright colors, and statement accessories.

Betty: I love that! I’ve been looking for an excuse to wear my neon green skirt again.

Sarah: And don’t forget about the chunky sneakers. They’re the must-have shoe for the season.

Betty: I already bought a pair in metallic silver. They’re so comfortable and go with everything.

Sarah: I’m thinking about getting a pair too. But I’m also eyeing those oversized totes. They’re the perfect size for carrying everything I need on-the-go.

Answer Ex.4

Money is typically made by central banks and governments, who are responsible for printing and minting currency. The process starts with the production of the blank forms, which are then printed with the appropriate design and denomination. The printed forms are then cut into individual notes and checked for quality control before being distributed to banks and financial institutions. Coins are typically minted using a similar process, with the metal blanks being stamped with the appropriate design and denomination.

Answer Ex.5

King George 7 was the King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions from 1910 until his death in 1936. He was born on June 3, 1865, and was the second son of King Edward 7 and Queen Alexandra. George 7 is best known for his role as the constitutional monarch during World War I and for leading the country through some of its most difficult times. He was widely respected for his stoicism and bravery, and his reign marked a period of stability and prosperity in Britain.

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