Duolingo Fill in the Blanks Exercises: Why Position of blanks is Important

In Duolingo Fill in the Blanks exercises, the position of the parts of speech becomes crucial for maintaining grammatical correctness and conveying the intended meaning.When you come across a fill in the blank exercise, see on which position the blank is, whether it is in place of a verb, adverb, adjective or noun etc.The placement of missing letters in a sentence can help determine what words or letters would fit into that blank. Here is the explanation.

Position of Blanks in Type the Missing Words Exercises (Examples ) 

  •  The parks norm- – – – stays open from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening.
    The parks normally stays open from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening. (We will use normally here as it is in place of a adverb and is used to qualify or add more meaning to the verb “stays”)
  • These crafts are prepared loca- – – – in this city.
    These crafts are prepared locally in the city.
    (Only an adverb can fit in here, a word qualifying a verb is an adverb)
  • The wood- – spoons were common- – used to eat food in the 12th century.
    The wooden spoons were commonly used to eat food in the 12th century. 
    (“wooden” here qualifies or adds to the meaning of the noun “spoon”; “commonly” is used as an adverb, adding more meaning to the word “used”)

More Examples

  • The skill- – craftsman design- – these uni- – – artifacts. 
    The skilled craftsman designed these unique artifacts. (Since the word “craftsman” is a noun, a word before it is most likely an adjective that describes it. so an adjective like “skilled” or “skillful” will fit in here.)
  • He is tall- – than his brother.(The use of “than” means that we are comparing two things)
    He is taller than his brother.
  • Rick is mo- – intelligent than his brother.
    Rick is more intelligent than his brother.(“more” showing comparison)
  • He is the mo – – intelligent student in the class.
    He is the most intelligent student in the class.(superlative degree)
  • He jumped ov- – the fence and in- – the pool.
    He jumped over the fence and into the pool.(use of preposition “over”to connect ideas)

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