Here are ten practice exercises of Duolingo Type the missing letters paragraphs. Duolingo Missing letters or Fill in the blanks exercises has 3 minutes timer. You need to complete all the blanks within three minutes. These are some tips to complete missing letters exercises in Duolingo English Test. In the exercises below, you can read and complete the blanks on your own and the find the answers after each exercise.

Exercise 1
During the Stone Age of mankind, eating utensils consisted of simple sharp stones intended for cut——— meat and fruit. Simple designs of spoons were made from hollowed out pie——— of wood or seashells that we—— connected to wooden sticks. Animal horns also were us—— as a means to eat liquid foods.
Answer Practice Exercise 1
During the Stone Age of mankind, eating utensils consisted form simple sharp stones intended for cutting meat and fruit. Simple designs of spoons were made from hollowed out pieces of wood or seashells that were connected to wooden sticks. Animal horns also were used as a means to eat liquid foods.
Exercise 2
Dinosaurs were a successful group of animals that emerged between 240 mil———— and 230 million years ago and came to rule the wo——— until about 66 million years ago, when a giant asteroid slammed in—— Earth. During that time, dinosaurs evo———— from a group of mostly dog- and horse-size crea————— into the most enormous beasts that ever existed on land.
Answer Practice Exercise 2
Dinosaurs were a successful group of animals that emerged between 240 million and 230 million years ago and came to rule the world until about 66 million years ago, when a giant asteroid slammed into Earth. During that time, dinosaurs evolved from a group of mostly dog- and horse-size creatures into the most enormous beasts that ever existed on land.
Exercise 3
They were not a rich family. Life was not ea—— for them.They grew good cron an fruit and vege—————. They also rai ——— sheep and cows. The father had to take his produce to a sm——— town two hours jour——— away to sell it.He did not al———— get a very good pr ——— for it. He wished he could sell his produce in a big city but the near——— big city was at le——— 3 days journey away.
Answer Practice Exercise 3
They were not a rich family. Life was not easy for them.They grew good cron an fruit and vegetables. They also raised sheep and cows. The father had to take his produce to a small town two hours journey away to sell it.He did not always get a very good price for it. He wished he could sell his produce in a big city but the nearest big city was at least 3 days journey away.
Exercise 4
When we speak of a basic human need, we mean something which is necessary to life, something we cannot do with———.Food is a basic human need.without it, we would sta——— to death; but even if we have a plen—— of food,but of the wrong kind, our bodies will suffer from the la—— of right food. This is known as malnu———————. It is a condition that develops when the body is depr———— of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Answer Practice Exercise 4
When we speak of a basic human need, we mean something which is necessary to life, something we cannot do without.Food is a basic human need.without it, we would starve to death; but even if we have a plenty of food,but of the wrong kind, our bodies will suffer from the lack of right food. This is known as malnutrition. It is a condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Exercise 5
There was a time when storybooks were the only means of entertainment for children. A decade or two ago, kids sp——— their time reading stories and role playing their favo————— characters from the stories. However, times have changed now in the age of the internet, kids spend most of their time playing games on smart—————— or watching cartoons or videos on YouTube.But if you want your kids to take a break from screens and exper————— your childhood, you can read sh——— stories to them. By nar—————— stories to your kids, you will impart wisdom to them and also spend much-needed qual——— time with them. We have a collection of some popular short stories with moral values that you can read to your kids. (
Answer Practice Exercise 5
There was a time when storybooks were the only means of entertainment for children. A decade or two ago, kids spent their time reading stories and role playing their favourite characters from the stories. However, times have changed now in the age of the internet, kids spend most of their time playing games on smartphones or watching cartoons or videos on YouTube.But if you want your kids to take a break from screens and experience your childhood, you can read short stories to them. By narrating stories to your kids, you will impart wisdom to them and also spend much-needed quality time with them. We have a collection of some popular short stories with moral values that you can read to your kids. (
Exercise 6
Influencers in social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expert——— on a speci——— topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media chan———— and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who p—— close attention to their views. Brands love social media influen———— because they can create trends and encou———— their followers to buy products they promote.(
Answer Practice Exercise 6
Influencers in social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views. Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote.
Exercise 7
Carbon is a wonderfully versatile element found in Earth’s atmosphere and all living things (that we know of). It’s also well-represented in jewe——— stores.
Diamonds are made of carbon at——— that’ve been subjected to extr————— high temperatures and pressures. The crystals usu———— have eight sides, but six- and twelve-sided specimens are out the——, too.
In———— a diamond, every indivi———— carbon atom shares a strong bond with four others, which makes diamonds ridiculously hard. Rub one of these gems against almost any other known mineral and it’ll leave a scratch mark behind.(
Answer Practice Exercise 7
Carbon is a wonderfully versatile element found in Earth’s atmosphere and all living things (that we know of). It’s also well-represented in jewelry stores.
Diamonds are made of carbon atoms that’ve been subjected to extremely high temperatures and pressures. The crystals usually have eight sides, but six- and twelve-sided specimens are out there, too.
Inside a diamond, every individual carbon atom shares a strong bond with four others, which makes diamonds ridiculously hard. Rub one of these gems against almost any other known mineral and it’ll leave a scratch mark behind.(
Exercise 8
Water quality can be affected by poor planning of industrial sites, animal farms, and barnyards and feedlots. Until recently, the type of water source has been indicative of the potential ri——— of contamination. Poor water quality can aff——— the quality of food crops and lead to ill———— in those who consume them. For example, the water may contain ge——— that cause human disease. Irrigating crops with contam——————water can then lead to contaminated food products which lead to illness when eaten. Groundwater, for example, has
b——— considered one of the saf— sources of water. However, depending on field location and field size, it may not be possible to use water from these sources for irrigation.(
Answer Practice Exercise 8
Water quality can be affected by poor planning of industrial sites, animal farms, and barnyards and feedlots. Until recently, the type of water source has been indicative of the potential risks of contamination. Poor water quality can affect the quality of food crops and lead to illness in those who consume them. For example, the water may contain germs that cause human disease. Irrigating crops with contaminated water can then lead to contaminated food products which lead to illness when eaten. Groundwater, for example, has been considered one of the safest sources of water. However, depending on field location and field size, it may not be possible to use water from these sources for irrigation.(
Exercise 9
One of the most important uses of soil is found in mining and constructing buildings. There are a lot of building mate————— made from soil (bricks). Therefore, soil ser——— as a foundation for most construction projects. When soil is mix– with cement, the density of the soil incr————— which holds the material firmly. The main purpose of compaction is to imp———— the load support. A massive amount of soil can be used in surface mining, road building, and dam const———————. Earth sheltering is an architectural practice that uses soil for the external thermal mass against building walls.
Answer Practice Exercise 9
One of the most important uses of soil is found in mining and constructing buildings. There are a lot of building materials made from soil (bricks). Therefore, soil serves as a foundation for most construction projects. When soil is mixed with cement, the density of the soil increases which holds the material firmly. The main purpose of compaction is to improve the load support. A massive amount of soil can be used in surface mining, road building, and dam construction. Earth sheltering is an architectural practice that uses soil for the external thermal mass against building walls.
Exercise 10
In addition to hand washing, practicing good pet hygiene can help prevent the spread of germs between p——— and people. Keep pets and their supplies out of the kitchen, and disin———— pet habitats and supplies outside the house when possible. Never clean supp———— in the kitchen sink, food preparation ar———, or the bathroom sink. Pets can contaminate surf———— in your home with germs you don’t have touch pets to get sick from their germs.
Answer Practice Exercise 10
In addition to hand washing, practicing good pet hygiene can help prevent the spread of germs between pets and people. Keep pets and their supplies out of the kitchen, and disinfect pet habitats and supplies outside the house when possible. Never clean supplies in the kitchen sink, food preparation areas, or the bathroom sink. Pets can contaminate surfaces in your home with germs you don’t have touch pets to get sick from their germs.
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