Interactive Listening Duolingo English Test | Listen and Respond Duolingo Practice

Interactive Listening Duolingo English Test or “Listen and Respond” requires you to choose the most suitable response. In this question type, you’ll be presented with a scenario, and you will select the best option to initiate the conversation.Continue to choose the most appropriate response as the dialogue continues.

Here are some important point you need to know about Duolingo Interactive listening Question Type:

  • Duolingo interactive listening includes audio prompts and requires you to choose the best options from multiple responses.
  • The question begins with a given scenario which you need to read carefully and find the cues about the theme of the conversation that follows.
  • The first prompt is to select the correct dialogue to initiate the conversation.
  • After you have selected the response you will see the correct option on the next screen. Even if your response is not correct, the correct option will guide you to through the forthcoming conversation.
  • You will see all the answers as you proceed with your responses.
  • It is very important to read all the conversation again before finishing the question and moving to the next screen (you have 4 minutes to complete it ) since you will be writing a summary of the conversation you just had.

Interactive Listening Duolingo | Listen and Respond Practice

This is the kind of prompt you will see on your Listen and Respond question:

You will participate in a discussion about a scenario below:
Mark and Emma are trying to find a destination to visit for their summer vacation.Emma is the one who has chosen the destination for the trip so Mark asks her about her plan. They both are excited to visit Malaysia.

Select the best option to start the conversation:

Audio transcript

Hey Mark! I’ve been thinking, how about we plan a trip to Malaysia this summer?

Audio Transcript

Well, I’ve heard great things about Kuala Lumpur, and  I’m really curious about Penang. Plus, the beaches in Langkawi look stunning. What do you think?

Audio Transcript

I was thinking sometime in July. The weather should be good, and it gives us enough time to plan and save up for the trip. How does that sound to you?

Audio Transcript

Absolutely! I’ll start looking into flights and accommodations. Do you prefer a hotel or maybe Airbnb?

Summarize the Conversation

The last part of Listen and Respond Duolingo English Test is summarizing the conversation you just had. In the real test you will see all the discussion in front of you before you hit the finish button.

📍Important: As mentioned before, it is important to read the conversation again and remember main points. You will not see the conversation as you move to the next screen to write the summary.

Here you can practice writing the summary of the above discussion. You can click on the audio transcript to read it.

There can be other ways to summarize the discussion but I have provided a sample summary of the above discussion for the students’ reference. You will see the sample summary as you submit your answer.

Find more listening comprehension exercises to enhance your listening skills following the link below:

Listening Comprehension

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