Duolingo Writing Sample Questions about Work & Employment

In this post we will discuss some Duolingo Writing Sample practice questions and answers related to jobs, employment or career. 

Duolingo Interactive writing practice,

Here are Duolingo Writing Practice questions about jobs and work.

  1. People have jobs because they need money to live? What are other important reasons why people have jobs? 
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of working from home instead of going to a designated workplace. Which one option is better than the other in your opinion?
  3. What are employment opportunities for students in your country? Do you think working while they study can affect their academic performance?

Most questions in the Duolingo Writing Test are around topics you can relate to. But you should also find general information about popular writing topics like science, education, arts, literature, social issues, culture, politics, news, technology, travel, economics, business trends and personal experiences about things. You can increase your insights about all topics by reading news and articles on the internet and in the newspapers.

Duolingo Interactive Writing Question Types

Duolingo Interactive Writing Question Types

Question Types How the Questions Start Common Topics Question Examples
DESCRIBE Describe…
Think/Talk about…
  • Business world
  • Arts and culture
  • Government policies
  • Health and wellness
  • Education
  • Parenting styles
  • Technology and the future
Example 1: Explain how advancements in artificial intelligence are transforming industries and the potential challenges they bring.
Example 2: Explain the various factors that contribute to homelessness and the solutions that can address this issue.
DESCRIBE (personal experience) Describe…
Think/Talk about…
  • Education experience
  • Science & Technology
  • Traveling
  • Health and wellness
  • Parenting styles
  • Influential people
Example 1: Think about a teacher who has made a significant impact on your education. Describe the qualities and methods they used that you found most inspiring.
Example 2: Talk about someone who has played an important role in your personal growth. Discuss the ways they have motivated and supported you, providing specific examples.
OPINION Do you support or oppose…
Do you agree or disagree…
(What) do you think…
How do you feel…
  • Business world
  • Arts and culture
  • Government policy
  • Health and wellness
  • Education
  • Parenting styles
  • Future technology
Example 1: Do you believe that parents should monitor their children’s text messages? Provide reasons to support your stance.
Example 2: Many parents discipline their children by confiscating their phones for misbehavior. Do you think this is an effective method? Explain your reasoning.

Duolingo Writing Sample Questions about Work & Employment

Q1. People have jobs because they need money to live. What are some other important reasons that people have jobs? 

[Tips for the Answer: To answer this question you will validate the statement in the question in your first sentence. Afterwards you will give 2-3 other reasons besides earning money. Looks at the highlighted reasons in bold print. In the last sentences of the answer, you will add a concluding sentence which is mostly summing up of your ideas you expressed previously.]

“There is no doubt that people need money to live and secure themselves financially and jobs provide that money.But there are other reasons that people pursue jobs.”

“One important thing is keeping busy in a healthy way, which means that we all need an activity where we can be productive and learn new things and skills. Jobs always provide that opportunity.”

“It is necessary to establish a daily routine of work to keep oneself in good mood and health. Also, people can interact with people at work and enjoy one another’s company while staying at home at all times can cause boredom and monotony. It is important to remember that many of us are also following our passion while doing a job. So it is not just work, it is a career choice when you never get tired of working.” 

“Many people have even a bigger perspective of doing a job and they believe that working outside of one’s home is not just benefiting them but it is a contribution to their society and community as well. A working person is always contributing to his country’s economy.” 

“By looking at these scenarios, we can say that people don’t always work for money; they have other reasons to work or go to jobs.”

Q.2. Discuss the pros and cons of working from home instead of going to a designated workplace. Which one option is better than the other in your opinion?

[Tips for Answer: You can find many ideas and personal experiences of people on the internet who work online. There are survey reports that tell how working online or in person affects a person’s personal and professional life. 

This answer includes some general information about the pros and cons of working in person and online / working from home.The pros and cons have been highlighted in bold for you to remember or note down if you like.]

“Working from home or online is a recent phenomenon. As we all know, many organizations have moved their workers to online work as a safety measure due to the pandemic situation.But there are certain pros and cons related to working from home.”

“If we talk about the pros or benefits, we will find that working from home saves time and money to commute. It alsoincreases productivity of the workers since they feel more empowered by just staying at home and still being able to work. In many cases, it saves the daycare expenses for many parents who work from home. In addition, online work has created more opportunities for workers who live in different cities or even countries.” 

“If we analyze the constraints or disadvantages of working from home, we can see that online work confines the workers to their homes. They cannot mingle or socialize with other people at the workplace. Sometimes it can be monotonous and boring to stay at home all the times. Also, it is hard to monitor workers online rather than at a workplace.” 

In my opinion, working online is still better in many ways than working in person. In a wider perspective, working online create more work opportunities for people who cannot access a workplace in big cities or other countries. In today’s world, many businesses outsource their work to freelancers who accomplish their tasks successfully.”

“In this situation, online work does not only remain an option, it becomes a necessity. For some businesses or organizations, in person work might be inevitable. But other companies can benefit by reduced overhead costs and a large pool of talented individuals to work for them.” 

Q 3. What are the employment opportunities for students in your country? Do you think working while they study can affect their academic performance?

[Tips for Answer: You can share your own opinion for this question. The job opportunities might be different for students according to each country or city. The opportunities mentioned in this answer generally apply to all students living in big cities. If you have different observations, you can share your knowledge and observation in your answer]

“I believe students have different opportunities both online and in person when it comes to employment.In fact there are different categories of job opportunities. At the very basic level, there are summer jobs when the students can work part time at a store or a ware house to make some money. Some students continue their jobs even after summer in order to support themselves financially.” 

“Another job opportunity is online or freelancing jobs. Some students are able to find freelancing jobs and can do them part time. In addition to that many students also spend some time in volunteering or community work.”

“Beside the above mentioned jobs, students also get work placement opportunities or internships through their college or universities. This kind of work opportunity is usually a part of the educational program they are in. For example, a student who is studying finance might get a temporary job placement in a bank or financial institution to gain work experience and so on.” 

Coming to the second part of the questions, I don’t think students should lose their academic performance as they study. This is because, it is entirely up to them how many hours they want to work in a week. If they can manage few hours of work in a week, it will make them stable financially as well as teach them discipline and time management.” 

“That is why in my opinion, working cannot affect a student’s studies if he or she schedules work and studiesproperly.”

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