Duolingo Writing Sample Question Type with Answers 2024

Duolingo “Writing Sample” task is designed to assess a person’s ability to express and defend their opinions on a specific subject while providing logical and persuasive arguments. In this post you will see some Duolingo Writing sample questions and answers for your practice.

What is Duolingo “Writing Sample” Task?

The writing (and speaking) samples appears last of all questions in the test.

For the Writing Sample task, you are asked to “Write about the topic below for 5 minutes.”
You will receive a written prompt and are expected to write for at least 3 minutes.
Keep in mind that the directions will be displayed for 30 seconds before the recording starts.
During this time, you should read and reflect on the prompt, and get ready to respond.

Duolingo “Writing Sample” Question Type with Model Answers

Let’s read some sample question and answers for your Duolingo Writing Test preparation and see how the answers are structured.

Question 1. Despite being a valuable information resource, what challenges or issues can arise when using the internet?


The Internet is undoubtedly a great source of information, but it is not without problems or limitations. If we talk about the uses of the internet, we realize that the internet has become an essential component of our lives at home and office.

On the downside, the information provided on the internet is not all reliable or authentic. It allows everyone to share content like news and entertainment without filtering the right or wrong information. It is also not a secure platform for many of us. People who use the internet are at risk of being victims of cyber crimes like identity theft, scams, hacking etc.

A lot of unreasonable and immoral content is available on the internet and can corrupt the morals and manners of society. Let’s not forget that many people spend a lot of time on social media and entertainment and do not do anything productive. To sum up,I would say that people need education about using the internet to one’s advantage without falling prey to its pitfalls.( 170 words)

Question 2. Children spend a lot of time in sports activities, which some consider an advantage and others a disadvantage. Share your opinion?


In my viewpoint, it is hard to favour just one notion when we talk about whether it has advantages or disadvantages for the children. I would say that it depends on how the children create a balance between their studies and play. Sports activities like baseball, badminton or ice hockey favour the physical and mental well-being of a person. But too much engagement with sports and games can result in a loss of learning time for them.

Some students are good at playing sports and can make it a career later on in their lives. Those types of students should be encouraged. But they should also be guided by their teachers and parents on how much time they should spend playing games. 

I would conclude that although sports are mandatory for a child’s body and mind, there should be a time limit on playing games to create a healthy balance between studies and play.(153 words)

Question 3.Should individuals be permitted to conceal their identities on the internet, or should they be required to reveal their true identities? Offer rationale to justify your stance.


I think people have a right to disguise their identities online on some platforms but not everywhere. In my view, some people want to keep themselves hidden when they do online businesses. If they identify themselves, they might fall victim to jealous people or cyber criminals on the internet. By hiding themselves, they protect their privacy. It is a well-known fact that some famous bloggers and video creators have jealous people around them, not just fans. In that case, it is the best practice to hide one’s identity.

On some other platforms like Facebook or Twitter, hiding one’s identity is against the policies of these platforms. Though, some people with fake identities are always there to misuse them in multiple ways.
Finally, it depends on the online platform people are using, whether they should be allowed to hide their identity or not.(142 WORDS)

Question 4.Discuss an activity or pursuit that you consider to be unproductive or a poor use of time. Explain your reasons .Why do you think it is a waste of time?


In my belief, using social media in some ways is a waste of time. Many people do not realize that spending time on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram only for entertainment is a sheer loss of time and energy. If you are not using these accounts for money or business, you are misusing your time.

Many students use their cellphones, scrolling, chatting and posting are not doing justice to their studies. They are doing something that might be entertaining or pleasurable but it won’t help them in their performance in the school.

Likewise, people who use social media miss out on some great things like reading books, gardening and other healthy hobbies. In addition to that, excessive screen time not only affects one’s optical and mental health but affects physical well-being too.

As a conclusion, social media is mostly a waste of time in my opinion. We can spend that time getting engaged in healthier and more productive activities.(154 words)

Question 5.Identify a trait you’ve inherited from one of your parents and discuss how this shared characteristic has influenced your relationship.What do you think this similarity says about how your parents’ personality affect you?


If I talk about one trait that I inherited from one of my parents, that would be compassion from my father. He is well known in his circle for being kind and compassionate. I have always seen him taking care of his family and anyone who needed his help and support.

As for me, everyone believes I am like my father. He practically acted on the values of kindness and love. This similarity has impacted our relationship positively by bringing us closer to each other. 

This similarity has convinced me that parents must set good examples for their kids to follow. Parents are role models for their kids. Therefore, they should make sure that they practice the values they want to teach their children.(124 words)

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