Duolingo Listening Practice, Type What you hear Practice Exercises

Type What you hear Exercises in Duolingo English Test appear 4-6 times. You get one minute to listen to the statement for up to three times and write your answer. Here are some tips to improve your listening for Duolingo Listen and Type exercises.

Tips to Improve your English Listening Comprehension

Generally speaking, understanding a spoken English sentence is not difficult if you have been listening to English news, podcasts or watching English plays or movies. Here are some tips to improve your English listening comprehension.

  1. Listen to English-language podcasts, news broadcasts, and other audio materials to get used to different accents and speaking styles.
  2. Watch English-language movies and TV shows with subtitles so that you can read what is being said and eventually get used to the accents.
  3. Practice active listening by paying attention to the speaker’s tone, word stress, and intonation patterns.
  4. Take online listening comprehension quizzes to practice understanding spoken English.
  5. Try to listen to the same content multiple times, so that you can improve your understanding.
  6. Make it a habit to listen to English Speaking podcasts by native speakers everyday for some time.

10 Type what you hear Duolingo Test Exercises

Do you understand what the speaker is saying.












  1. The weather forecast say it will be sunny and warm tomorrow.
  2. I need to buy groceries after work today.
  3. Did you receive my message?
  4. Did you hear the good news?
  5. Yesterday, we went shopping?
  6. Science expands our understanding of culture.
  7. Kindergarten kids learn basic maths and reading skills.
  8. He is a regular reader of this newspaper.
  9. January is the coldest month of the year.
  10. My sister is fond of traditional arts.

Get more practice of Type what you hear exercise in Duolingo Test here:

Listen and Type Practice Exercises

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