Duolingo Fill in the Blanks,Tips & Practice Exercises

Fill in the blanks or type the missing letters question in the Duolingo English Test is a popular question and requires good practice before attempting the test. Here are some tips, rules and practice exercises for missing letters in Duolingo Test.Click on the links below to access each section of this post.

Tips and rules to fill in the Missing letters

Practice Exercises

Answers to Practice Exercises 1-4

Tips and Rules to Fill in the blanks in the Text

Read these important tips and rules that will help you to complete your missing letters exercises successfully.

Tip 1:Understand the theme and guess related vocabulary

First of all understand what the passage is about. Read it fully. If the paragraph talks about stars and astronomy, the missing words will be related to the same topic. Likewise, if the paragraph talks about marine life, the related vocabulary might be “fish, water, depth, whales, dolphins, starfish, salt water, ocean, organisms etc.

The point to remember is that you should be aware of the theme of the paragraph before you start filling out the blanks; and thus your will be able to guess what the kind of words can fit into the blanks.

Tip 2: Notice the location of missing words

See whether the word is in place of helping verb, a noun, or adverb.

Example 1

For example, notice this sentence:

” The boys are mak— noise in the classroom”

What do you see here?…The missing letters come after the helping verb “are”, which makes the sentence a present continuous sentence. For that reason we can use “ing” after, “mak—“. So the correct answer will be “The boys are making noise in the classroom.

Example 2

“I have ma– a nice meal”

The helping verb in this sentence is “have” and the missing word is a “ma–“. which is a missing verb. We need to provide the correct form of verb that goes with the helping verb “have”. So the answer would be:

“I have made a nice meal”(Third form of the verb is used with helping verbs have, has and had)

Example 3:

“She decorated the cake beautiful–.”

The word with missing letters comes in place of an adverb.(An adverb adds to the meaning of a verb, for example He sings sweetly, She acts quickly. etc). So, the above sentence tells, how she decorated the cake. The answer would be “beautifully”.

“She decorated the cake beautifully.”

Tip 3:Fill out easier blanks first

If you have 3 minutes to complete the answer. If you can’t understand certain words at first sight, come back to them later. Complete the easier blanks first.

Tip 4:Use all three minutes to complete your answer

You do not need to rush to fill in the blanks. Make sure you take your time. Completing questions faster has no extra credit.

These were few Type the missing letters tips. Here is an ultimate solution to become proficient in reading and finding missing letters exercises.

Tip 5:Reading English improves reading comprehension

Reading is a great habit that brings fluency in written and spoken language. Not only that, it also improves your reading comprehension. In order to become a master of all reading comprehension exercises. You must incorporate reading English in your daily routine. Choose some books to read or read online news.

Duolingo Fill in The Blanks Practice Exercises

Complete the missing letters in these exercises.


E-commerce, short form of electronic commerce, refers to all online activity that involves the buying and selling of products and services. When you go to your favor— online retail–to buy a new pair of shoes, you’re enga—- in e-commerce.

Many business owners are taking their businesses online, not only by having a website but by selling their prod—- and services direct— through their web—- and other e-commerce platforms. In the fut— years, e-commerce will be grow— bigger.


A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months, or even years. During a recession, the economy decl—-, people lose work and compan— make fewer sales.  The point where the economy offici—- falls into a recession depends on a variety of factors.

Recessions and depressions have similar causes, but the overall impact of a depression is much, mu– worse. There are great– job losses, higher unemploy—- and steeper declines in GDP. Most of all, a depression lasts long–, years, not months, and it takes more time for the economy to recover.


A cover letter is a letter you write to a hiring manager. Besides submitting your resume, you also need to write a cover letter as a part of your applica—- process. It has great value since it gives you a cha— to highlight your skills and stren—- of your personality. It also gives you an opportunity to explain any gaps in your employ—-. The more well writ— the cover letter is, the better your chance of getting an employment.


Knowing a second language is not only beneficial but also essential for success in life. The more languages you know, the more confi—- and free you are in your communications. People belonging to other cultu— feel more comforta— around you since you can unders—- their language and communi—- with them. Also, there are better opportuni—- for you regarding work and studies. In recent times, it has become drastically easier to learn new languages because of the Internet and online learning platforms.

Answers to Missing Letters Exercise 1-4


E-commerce, short form of electronic commerce, refers to all online activity that involves the buying and selling of products and services. When you go to your favorite online retail–to buy a new pair of shoes, you’re engaging in e-commerce.

Many business owners are taking their businesses online, not only by having a website but by selling their products and services directly through their website and other e-commerce platforms. In the future years, e-commerce will be growing bigger.

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months, or even years. During a recession, the economy declines, people lose work and companies make fewer sales.  The point where the economy officially falls into a recession depends on a variety of factors.

Recessions and depressions have similar causes, but the overall impact of a depression is much, much worse. There are greater job losses, higher unemployment and steeper declines in GDP. Most of all, a depression lasts longer, years, not months, and it takes more time for the economy to recover.


A cover letter is a letter you write to a hiring manager. Besides submitting your resume, you also need to write a cover letter as a part of your application process. It has great value since it gives you a chance to highlight your skills and strengths of your personality. It also gives you an opportunity to explain any gaps in your employment. The more well written the cover letter is, the better your chance of getting an employment.


Knowing a second language is not only beneficial but also essential for success in life. The more languages you know, the more confident and free you are in your communication. People belonging to other culture or languages feel more comfortable around you since you can understand their language and communicate with them.Also, there are better opportunities for you regarding work and studies. In recent times, it has become drastically easier to learn new languages because of the Internet and online learning platforms.

Find interactive /online exercises on Type the missing letters in the Duolingo English Test by following the link below:

Type the Missing Letters Exercises Duolingo Exam

Find more posts on missing letter and reading comprehension following the link below:

Reading Comprehension

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