Active to Passive Voice: Present Perfect Tense

Active Voice (Present Perfect Tense):
In active voice, the present perfect tense describes an action or state that began in the past and has relevance to the present. It emphasizes the doer of the action and the connection between the past and the present.

Example: “She has painted the picture.”
In this sentence, “She” is the subject performing the action “has painted,” emphasizing that the action was done by her with a connection to the present.

Passive Voice (Present Perfect Tense):
In passive voice, the present perfect tense describes an action or state that began in the past and has relevance to the present, but it shifts the focus to the receiver of the action rather than the doer.

Example: “The picture has been painted by her.”

In this passive voice sentence, “The picture” is the subject receiving the action “has been painted,” and “by her” indicates the doer of the action. The emphasis or focus is on the result (the painted picture) rather than the doer.

Here is a present perfect tense active to passive voice exercise. You will find the correct answers as soon as you finish the exercise.

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