How to Descibe an  Image

 Begin by providing essential information such as the main subject, background, and any prominent colors. This sets the foundation for your description.


 Use descriptive language, like instead of saying “a cat”, write ” a furry cat”, “a cute cat”, “a brown cat” etc depending on how it looks like.


Describe how the characters look like and what are their facial expressions, moods etc. Are they happy, sad, busy, etc. Similarly describe the overall mood of the photo if required.


 Add any background information like the context of the image, just like ” It looks like the photo has been taken by a professional photographer”, or ” I believe the photo was taken in a busy market.”


 Remember to use information like where the objects are placed in the image such as top, bottom, left, right, foreground, and background to help create a mental map of the image.


 Be concise in your description. Avoid unnecessary details. Focus on the most important details.


For the Duolingo English exam, practise writing your description within one minute.


For the Duolingo English exam, practise writing your description within one minute.